Waking up to the sights, sounds and smells of Africa, the team got stuck straight into their first day of projects with great gusto. The morning was spent visiting several local farms to facilitate a goat deworming programme, where they had to catch, medicate and number each goat. A physical and arduous task that the students took very seriously, this was a morning that the students will never forget! Next on the agenda was repairing the elephant deterrent fences that counteract elephant/human conflicts in Tsavo National Park.
For the next three days, the students not only learnt how to plaster, paint, make bricks from scratch, and refurbish a classroom, but they wholeheartedly immersed themselves into the projects and the local school children that their efforts were supporting. During the school breaktimes, they took time away from their tasks and had a fantastic time skipping, playing volleyball and football and making new friendships.

recent news…

Once again Jebel Ali School took part in the F1 in Schools global programme. This year we had four, very keen teams taking part and competing against other UAE school teams at the National Finals Event at Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi.
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