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Examination Results




Examination Results




tearing down

Diversity and inclusion run deep at Jebel Ali School.

From the School Advisory Board, Education Team Governance Body to our leadership, teaching staff and the wider school community, we value the unique contributions of every student, and we work hard to maintain an environment in which every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging. The needs of our students are central to everything we do to try and ensure that every child has a successful learning journey.

That means catering for a wide variety of specific needs and actively searching for ways to support aspects of work or life at school that a child may find challenging so that the barriers they face can be torn down.


Support could be as simple as getting and staying organised or managing homework commitments – or can be more complex and specific to challenges that are very personal.

Our Inclusion team comprises six teachers and five learning support assistants, whose open-door policy is invaluable to students who are working on something that has already presented itself as a challenge or who can benefit from help to prepare for something that’s coming up. The help can be provided in a group setting or in one-to-one session to suit each student’s character and preferences.

The team works closely with parents, teachers, and leaders and we are equipped to help children identified with Specific Learning Difficulties, those who are Exceptionally More Able and those who can benefit from being taught English as an Additional Language.

We value every child’s contribution, aim to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and provide environments inside and outside our classrooms where everyone’s academic, personal, social, and emotional needs are met.

Our wide range of extra-curricular activities and societies not only allows students to develop their knowledge, experience, and understanding in a specific activity, but it provides opportunities for them to enhance relationships with their teachers.


Advocating for Inclusive Education – Parent Guide

Directive and Guidelines for Inclusive Education

Dubai Education Framework

Implementing Inclusive Education – Guide for Schools

JAS Inclusion Policy


Lyndsay Wing

of Inclusion

Olive Clancy


Megan Sime

Primary Learning Support Teacher 

Jessica McGinn

Primary Learning Support Teacher 

Charlotte Thompson

Primary Learning Support Teacher

Emily Selant

Primary Learning Support Assistant 

Prema Hundia

Primary Learning Support Assistant 

Marike Le Roux

Primary Learning Support Assistant

Rachel Harris

Primary Learning Support Assistant

Lucy Chudzynski

Primary Learning Support Assistant

Vicki Dabell

Primary Learning Support Assistant

Michelle Nunes

Primary Learning Support Assistant

Gemma McGeehan

Primary Learning Support Assistant (ELL)

Rhonwen Scott

Secondary Learning Support Teacher

Janice Farrell

Secondary Learning Support Teacher

Calynn Smalberger

Secondary Learning Support Teacher

Zahra Ahmed

Secondary Learning Support Teacher

Maggie Jackson

Secondary Learning Support Assistant 

Elizabeth Tucker

Secondary Learning Support Assistant

Olga Sheveleva

Secondary Learning Support Assistant 

Next Steps

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