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Fees, Discounts and Priority

Here is our current fee structure for each year group, and information about sibling discounts and the way we prioritise applications.


OUR FEE Structure – Academic year 2024-2025*



Year Group Annual Fee Term 1 Term 2 Term 3** KHDA Fact Sheet
FS1 – Year 6 AED 48,490.00 AED 19,396.00 AED 14,547.00 AED 14,547.00



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6 

Year 7 – Year 11 AED 74,830.00 AED 29,932.00 AED 22,449.00 AED 22,449.00
Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11
Year 12 – Year 13 AED 80,300.00 AED 32,120.00 AED 24,090.00 AED 24,090.00

 Year 12

Year 13


* Our fee structure conforms with the regulations of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)
**An AED 2,000 re-registration fee will be invoiced in term 3 and is deductible from Term 1 of the following academic year.


Sibling Discount

We are pleased to offer a 10% discount on tuition fees for the third (youngest) sibling and subsequent child in each family that is paying full fees* for the academic year. This discount applies to families whose children attend any Dubai schools within the Taaleem group.

*Based on full tuition fees with no other discounts. Fees are payable at the start of each term, or annually in advance.


2027/28 Admissions will open in January 2026

Year Group 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27
Foundation Stage 1 Closed Open - Apply Now Open - Apply Now
Foundation Stage 2 Closed Closed Closed
Year 1 Closed
Closed Closed
Year 2 Closed Closed
Open - Apply Now
Year 3 Closed Waiting List Open
Open - Apply Now
Year 4 Closed Waiting List Open
Open - Apply Now
Year 5 Closed Closed
Open - Apply Now
Year 6 Closed Waiting List Open
Open - Apply Now
Year 7 Closed Waiting List Open
Open - Apply Now
Year 8 Closed Waiting List Open
Open - Apply Now
Year 9 Waiting List Open Open - Apply Now Open - Apply Now
Year 10 Closed Open - Apply Now Open - Apply Now
Year 12 Closed Open - Apply Now Open - Apply Now


Waiting List Definitions: 

Open – We are accepting applications into the waiting list and anticipate making admission offers, however, we cannot guarantee place availability to all who apply as spaces are limited. Waiting lists are maintained for all year groups and applicants may be waitlisted after assessment, depending on availability. 

Waiting List Open – Applications are accepted into the waiting list on the caveat that all year group places have been offered, and we do not have spaces to offer today. Children will be invited for assessment and places offered from the waiting list if they become available. 

Closed – Waiting lists are kept open until the cap is reached, at which time they are closed and no further applications are accepted. Note, we will accept applications from JAS staff, siblings and former students even if closed. 

Waitlist Priority of Applications: 

  • We give priority to applicants who: 
  • Are children of a member of our school staff or Board 
  • Have a sibling at Jebel Ali School 
  • Are UAE Nationals 

If the year group you wish to apply for is closed, you may consider applying at Dubai British School Mira (Opening in 2025/26 for FS1-Y6), Dubai British School Jumeirah Park Foundation  (Years FS1 & FS2), Dubai British School Jumeirah Park  (Years 1 to 13), or Dubai British School Jumeira (FS1 to Year 6).


We are a British Curriculum school that follows a 13-year system, welcoming children from age three, provided they are toilet trained. Admission is determined by the child's age as of 1 September, following KHDA guidelines to place them in the appropriate year group. For students transferring from another Dubai school, placement is based on the KHDA Transfer Certificate, and final year group decisions are subject to review by our Academic Team. 

Year Group Enrolment by Age and Comparison to IB/American Curriculum: 


Age on 1st September of the Academic Year of Entry  British National Curriculum Year Groups  IB Year Groups North American / Europe Grade Level 
3+  FS1  Pre-K  Pre-K 
4+  FS2 (Reception)  KG1 / EY 1  KG 1 
5+  Year 1  KG2 / EY 2  KG 2 
6+  Year 2  PYP/Grade 1  Grade 1 
7+  Year 3  PYP/Grade 2  Grade 2 
8+  Year 4  PYP/Grade 3  Grade 3 
9+  Year 5  PYP/Grade 4  Grade 4 
10+  Year 6  PYP/Grade 5  Grade 5 
11+  Year 7  MYP/Grade 6  Grade 6 
12+  Year 8  MYP/Grade 7  Grade 7 
13+  Year 9  MYP/Grade 8  Grade 8 
14+  Year 10  MYP/Grade 9  Grade 9 
15+  Year 11  MYP/Grade 10  Grade 10 
16+  Year 12  Diploma/Grade 11  Grade 11 
17+  Year 13  Diploma/Grade 12  Grade 12 

for further information

Please contact our Admissions Team:

Email: admissions@jebelalischool.org Call: +971 04 884 6485.

Our team will be happy to speak with you regarding any queries you may have.

Next Steps

Join the
JAS family

We invite you to visit us, and experience for yourself what makes Jebel Ali School such a special place to be.

Our highly experienced Admissions Team is on hand to discuss and answer any questions or queries. Our admissions process begins with the completion of an online enquiry, an invitation to a school tour with our Academic Team followed by a formal application.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Book a Tour
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